Explore our products:
Medical assistance is also provided by therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists and other specialists - often with as much as 40% discount.
You may always call yor Medical Cosultant. We are here to help you.
Meedy directs patients from over 50 insurers in Poland.
We work together with over a thousand of medical institutions, few hundreds rehabilitation and physical therapy centers, diagnostic networks and thousands of doctors.
Meedy service allows for a diagnosis verification based on the documentation provided, and video consultation without a need to run an office.
by "Gazeta Bankowa" newspaper in the category of medicine and pharmacy
over a thousand of medical institutions
few hundreds rehabilitation and physical therapy centers
diagnostic networks
doctors providing stationary and telemedical services
We provide a complimentary technology directing to you private patients and patients from the insurance market.
You can cooperate with us without having to change the software you are accustomed to.
Our solutions are integrated with IT software providers for medical units and medical practices.
by "Gazeta Bankowa" newspaper in the category of medicine and pharmacy
Activate Patient's Portal for your customers or employees to provide them with them videoconsultations and other cutting edge technological tools of health organizations.
by “Gazeta Bankowa”newspaper in the category of medicine and pharmacy
We are TPA (third party administrator) institution and our business can be compered to the autsourcing of competences and technology in the field of healthcare.
We have a real capacity to manage the whole process associated with the diagnosis and treatment based on the latest IT systems, addressed both to companies and insurers, the medical provider and the client. We deal with the above as the greatest "integrator" of the market, an entity, which in the award-efficient way manages the processes of the organization of healthcare.
We run these activities as the largest "integrator" of the market, the entity which is efficient at its best in the management of the processes of treatment organization.
SANEO implement the Informational Security Management System, which has been confirmed by ISO/IEC 27001:2013 IDT.
We provide and secure our solutions in accordance with the guidelines specified by law, including the Law on Personal Data Protection Act, the Patients 'Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients' Rights and the Minister of Health's resolution on the types and extent of medical records and how they should be processed, specifying the requirements for documentation in electronic form.
Our consultants will be happy to answer any of your questions related to our services.
Helpline provides assistance Mon-Fri 8-16.
Office of the Company Board
Registered office: ul. Feliksa Nowowiejskiego 5, 61-731 Poznań.
an entity registered in the District
Court, Commercial Division of the National Court Register number 0000468122, Having the share capital in
amount of 100 000 PLN Fully paid-up. NIP ( Tax Identification Number) : 7811884232.